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Marion County will be used as a pilot program


Medical Cannabis Only

-Medical merit board to ensure prescriptions are not being abused & Doctors are not being irresponsible with RX's
-only Doctors with special certifications can issue RX's 
-only for pain management
-Prescriptions will not be given for mental ailments, only physical pain
-Convicted Felons in the lsat 5 years are not allowed to have a presciption
-People that have had a DUI,OWI, or are habitual traffic offenders will have to take a "rehab" program, paid for by the person if they wish to get a Medical Cannabis Card. Any major traffic violation will have their "weed card" revoked permanently. 
-People with Child neglect/abuse convictions are not allowed to have a "weed card"
-Any person that gets convicted of child neglect/abuse will immediately have their card revoked permanently

Establish Weed Board

(1) Governor
(1) Mayor
Appointed by
(1) IMPD Chief
(1) Marion County Democrat
(1) Marion County GOP

Dispensaries within 2 miles of IMPD Prectinct

        -Artists are allowed to have to their own "booth" in dispensaries to sell paraphernalia. ie bongs, bowls, etc.

-Over 50% of the tax revenue will be used for teacher pay ONLY

-Superintendents making over $200K will have their salary frozen for 3 years

Increase Regulations on what a gas stations & vape shops can sell

-Sq footage of dispensary
-min 1000 sq ft
-max 3000 sq ft

-Mandatory video education before you can go into the dispensary about drug abuse.
-You will get a card from the dispensary that you will have to bring in, so you don't have to watch the video every time.

-Mandatory Security
-for 1000 sq ft each dispensary will need min of that many guards
-crime dense areas require min of 3 security guards
-must be off duty officer. It doesn't matter from which county

-Security officers and all related fees will be paid for by the employer

Background check for all employees and owners
-Federal, State, local

-increased penalty for being on a phone while driving

-anyone violating school bus laws will automatically have a 1 year suspension of their drivers license.

-A portion of the tax revenue will go to anti-drug campaigns
-D.A.R.E Programs

Supplier Regulation

*After 5-10 year of weed program

-Open up agriculture for Indiana to grow weed. Permits and high regulations for keeping Cartel/Black market out

-Only Indiana can touch any of it

-All official documents have to be written in cursive

Paid for by WhitmerforIndy

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